Monday, September 17, 2012

What's in your backyard?

I envy people who turn up antiquities in their yards.

Take for example the farmer in Turkey who found a massive mosaic from the Roman Empire while plowing a field! (See above picture and click for more.)

Remember the stonemason who found a Viking hoard in his backyard?

I'm convinced there's treasure in my backyard. I just know it. 

Okay, there probably isn't. But wouldn't it be fun to dig up the backyard and find out? 

I mean, look what this guy found!
 What about you? Do you wonder what might be in your backyard?

Monday, September 10, 2012

My new book, Jacques Cartier went #1 in its category on Amazon!

Thanks so much for your readership! 

My current works in progress:

1. A new book in the "Explorer Series:" Sacagawea!

Source: Wikimedia Commons

2. My adult novel, River Moon Don't Cry set in the 1830s. 
Check out my research pics for this book on my Pinterest Board! 

How I picture my heroine, Flora Jean, in River Moon Don't Cry