Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Good Trade

When Lewis and Clark set out on their journey west, they took with them gifts for the native peoples they would meet on their way to the Pacific Ocean.

Among these were American flags:

 Peace medals:

Indian artist Paha Ska, of Keystone, S.D., an Elder of the Oglala Sioux tribe from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, holds an authentic Presidental Peace & Friendship Medalion from President Thomas Jefferson, Monday, Dec. 17, 2001, during a visit at St. Mary School in Elyria, Ohio, that was given to Indian leaders by the Lewis and Clark Expedition in 1803. Paha Ska, who is about 80 years old, talked about and answered questions about Native Indians. (Photo/Paul M. Walsh)

And brass pots.

Other trinkets they brought with them to trade included:
  • 12 dozen pocket mirrors
  • 4600 sewing needles
  • 144 small sewing scissors
  • 10 pounds of sewing thread
  • Silk ribbons
  • Ivory Combs
  • Handkerchiefs
  • Yards of bright colored cloth
  • Handkerchiefs
  • 130 rolls of tabacco
  • Tomahawks 
  • 288 knives
  • 8 brass kettles
  • Vermillion face paint
  • 20 pounds of assorted beads (mostly blue)
  • 288 brass thimbles
  • Armbands
  • Ear trinkets
What would you take with you to trade?

1 comment:

  1. I am an Indian artifact authenticator and do relics on up through historic times Civil War etc. I have been sent an item that has me stumped and I hope you can lend a hand in figuring this out. It is a Pipe Tomahawk and Bowie knife presentation set in a small, long casket type box covered in leather that is falling off. It is heavily tacked along every edge. Once the lid id open the smell will open your eyes. Both the tomahawk and knife are inscribed with 1876 on one side and "Peace and Friendship" on the other side.The knife handle is made of Ivory and shows clasped hands that typically represent cross cultural bonds. My job is to place this somewhere. Tie it to someone some Chief or Calvary Colonial. There is also a brass placard on top of the box that is engraved with 1876 on the left side and USC on the right side. "Peace and Friendship" take up the middle are. USC is a question in itself. USCongress or USCalvery or what?? Help.. Regards, Bob Butler e-mail address is


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